Photography Through Tania's Eyes: Chocolate Lily (Fritillaria lanceolata)
Photography Through Tania's Eyes: Heartleaf Arnica (Arnica cordifolia)
Photography Through Tania's Eyes: Indian Paintbrush (Castilleja coccinea)
Photography Through Tania's Eyes: Indian Paintbrush (Castilleja coccinea)
Photography Through Tania's Eyes: Arrowleaf Balsamroot (Balsamorhiza sagittata)
Photography Through Tania's Eyes: Forget-Me-Not Stream
Photography Through Tania's Eyes: Water Lily and the Spider
Photography Through Tania's Eyes: Lungwort (Lobaria pulmonaria)
Photography Through Tania's Eyes: Bunchberry (Cornus canadensis)
Photography Through Tania's Eyes: Oak Fern (Gymnocarpium dryopteris)
Photography Through Tania's Eyes: Thyme-leaved speedwell (Veronica serpyllifolia)
Photography Through Tania's Eyes: Queen's Cup (Clintonia uniflora)
Photography Through Tania's Eyes: Nodding Thistle (Cardus nutans ssp. leiophyllus)
Photography Through Tania's Eyes: Nodding Thistle (Cardus nutans ssp. leiophyllus)
Photography Through Tania's Eyes: Nodding Thistle (Cardus nutans ssp. leiophyllus)
Photography Through Tania's Eyes: Variable Checkerspot (Euphydryas chalcedona)
Photography Through Tania's Eyes: Three-Banded Lady Beetle (Coccinella trifasciata perplexa)
Photography Through Tania's Eyes: Silky Lupine (Lupinus sericeus)
Photography Through Tania's Eyes: Saskatoon (Amelanchier alnifolia)
Photography Through Tania's Eyes: Fireweed (Epilobium angustifolium)
Photography Through Tania's Eyes: Brown-eyed Susan (Gaillardia aristata)
Photography Through Tania's Eyes: White Bog-orchid (Platanthera dilatata)
Photography Through Tania's Eyes: Yellow Waterlilies (Nuphar polysepalum N. luteum ssp. polysepalum)
Photography Through Tania's Eyes: Yellow Waterlily (Nuphar polysepalum N. luteum ssp. polysepalum)
Photography Through Tania's Eyes: Orange Hawkweed (Hieracium aurantiacum)