Tania Dibbs:
I had an old failure lying around, so I covered it up and started over.
Tania Dibbs:
Adding some color. No idea where I am going. Ugly ugly ugly.
Tania Dibbs:
Tried adding some black. Blecchhchhchh.
Tania Dibbs:
Let's scrape off that black. What a mess. But I have faith.
Tania Dibbs:
More color, kind of a little sweet and not much movement, but it can work. I have faith.
Tania Dibbs:
Okay, a pattern is emerging. This can work.
Tania Dibbs:
Not garbage but not any good.
Tania Dibbs:
Sheesh - I should name it "Candy"
Tania Dibbs:
Now I should name it "Box of Crayolas"
Tania Dibbs:
Should I let a mediocre painting stare at me until I get rid of it? No. Scraping it off definitely feels like a better alternative.
Tania Dibbs:
How liberating. What a mess.
Tania Dibbs:
Lots of scraping to do
Tania Dibbs:
It is already looking cooler! At least it has some guts now.
Tania Dibbs:
Too bad I couldn't have sold that painting by the pound because it would have been worth a lot.
Tania Dibbs:
......I am filled with all the possibility of what it might become......
Tania Dibbs:
Fleshing it out by mixing colors that already exist in the piece and adding more, playing with what is the top vs. bottom layer.
Tania Dibbs:
Up close it has a lot going on.
Tania Dibbs:
The final finished product, which I quite love. It has more movement, more spontaneity, and more guts than the pre-scrape version.