tangobaby: IMG_0140
tangobaby: Jonathan and Linda at the Kum Bak Club (RIP)
tangobaby: IMG_0152
tangobaby: IMG_0154
tangobaby: IMG_0160
tangobaby: IMG_0162
tangobaby: IMG_0163
tangobaby: IMG_0169
tangobaby: "I come from a family of gypsy truth-seekers."
tangobaby: IMG_0178
tangobaby: IMG_0180
tangobaby: IMG_0194
tangobaby: "There is the velocity of the neighborhood yes; the intensity: sometimes it feels like I’ve stepped inside a pressure cooker, and the rumbling heat from all sides nearly burns me alive."
tangobaby: IMG_0205
tangobaby: IMG_0206
tangobaby: "We walk around with a sense of propriety about our lives, that somehow we own something on this earth, some singular thing that we get to keep."
tangobaby: IMG_0212
tangobaby: IMG_0221
tangobaby: IMG_0225
tangobaby: IMG_0229
tangobaby: IMG_0239
tangobaby: Jonathan
tangobaby: IMG_0252
tangobaby: IMG_0254
tangobaby: IMG_0255