tangobaby: Michelle
tangobaby: IMG_8914
tangobaby: IMG_8918
tangobaby: IMG_8919
tangobaby: "Valencia Street had seemed so very big but what is it if not a plank to walk daily..."
tangobaby: IMG_8939
tangobaby: IMG_8940
tangobaby: IMG_8948
tangobaby: "To be an ex of something you have to have been that something, and you weren’t."
tangobaby: IMG_8959
tangobaby: IMG_8960
tangobaby: IMG_8975
tangobaby: IMG_8987
tangobaby: IMG_8994
tangobaby: "You sit on your back porch with its pigeon shit and tufty feathers, the pretty trees and bushes and shrubs glossy in the heat, the persimmons slowly yellowing from green..."
tangobaby: Michelle Tea.
tangobaby: IMG_8997
tangobaby: IMG_9015
tangobaby: IMG_9020
tangobaby: IMG_9022
tangobaby: IMG_9032
tangobaby: IMG_9033
tangobaby: IMG_9035
tangobaby: IMG_9038
tangobaby: IMG_9039
tangobaby: IMG_9042
tangobaby: "The café on Valencia which had seemed so big now seems very small with the awkward source of all beauty and love regarding you, the loveless face of love..."