tangmin: Raffles Castel with fake snow
tangmin: Beauty & Dolls
tangmin: 南京东路, East Nanjing road
tangmin: Show window
tangmin: 桃江路
tangmin: 桃江路
tangmin: 东平路
tangmin: waiting@东平路
tangmin: 桃江路
tangmin: 桃江路
tangmin: 中山公园, Zhongshan park
tangmin: 中山公园, Zhongshan park
tangmin: "Shanghai" brand, it reminds me of the old days
tangmin: DSC_7574b
tangmin: 陆家嘴
tangmin: 外滩, the Bund
tangmin: 外滩, the Bund
tangmin: 外滩, the Bund
tangmin: 陆家嘴
tangmin: 陆家嘴
tangmin: 梦清园, After the rainstorm
tangmin: 两湾城, After the rainstorm
tangmin: All the people of China produce 10 tons shit per 8.3 seconds, haha
tangmin: DSC_0915c
tangmin: DSC_0979c
tangmin: DSC_0980c
tangmin: 上海面粉厂, Shanghai flour mill
tangmin: DSC_0993a
tangmin: Island6
tangmin: Island6