tanglebox1: This is the second iteration of the skirt and is more like what I was working towards. Keep in mind this fabric is heavier and won't drape as well as the lighter fabrics I'll actually use.
tanglebox1: Here's the back with lowered neckline. I've already played with one version of the skirt. I'll show the next iteration of it when I locate more junk fabric I can cut up. Lol. I'm getting low on plain muslin.
tanglebox1: I reworked the bodice. The front is from the Renaissance dress and the back is original with the neckline lowered. This is much closer to the Regency ball gown "look" I'm trying to achieve.
tanglebox1: Test fitting...
tanglebox1: Empire Court gown
tanglebox1: Shortstays I'll try to copy!
tanglebox1: Finished! I know it doesn't look like much but it will be able to double as a nightie too! Now onto working the short stays!
tanglebox1: Bias binding for armseyes in progress!
tanglebox1: First test fit. The neck isn't low enough. I'll extend the shoulders one inch. I'm working with chiffon for the chemise.
tanglebox1: Hmmm, the neckline is much better now.
tanglebox1: These are the fabrics I'm thinking of using for the Empire gown. Silk Dupioni, silk velvet and embroidered lace mesh. Explored#2!
tanglebox1: Short stays are finished. I'm not sure I'm completely happy with them but they'll have to do for now. I may redesign for future gowns.
tanglebox1: Short stays are finished. I'm not sure I'm completely happy with them but they'll have to do for now. I may redesign for future gowns.
tanglebox1: Short stays are finished. I'm not sure I'm completely happy with them but they'll have to do for now. I may redesign for future gowns.
tanglebox1: Back to the Empire! Doesn't she look ready to grasp her partner and dance?
tanglebox1: Back to the Empire! Doesn't she look ready to grasp her partner and dance?
tanglebox1: All draped, pinned & cut!
tanglebox1: Empire underskirt
tanglebox1: Lazy Susan
tanglebox1: Chemise pattern
tanglebox1: Oh grrrrrrr! The armseye is too small. That's what the wrinkling at her underarm is telling me. The sleeve needs to be longer and the shoulder moved over a tad. Starting the bodice over. Sigh.
tanglebox1: New bodice underway
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tanglebox1: Crappy pictures I know but I was excited about how this puffy sleeve turned out! LOL.
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