Tanenhaus: New Orleans mask mandate sign
Tanenhaus: As the Delta variant spread, masking signs got more strict
Tanenhaus: Old Road Coffee Shop in Treme neighborhood
Tanenhaus: Old Road Coffee Shop, masking required
Tanenhaus: Cup of gumbo with andouille sausage, chicken and rice
Tanenhaus: Oysters on the half shell at Gallier's Restaurant
Tanenhaus: Fried jumbo soft shell crab at GW Fins
Tanenhaus: Guesthouse lodging in Treme, a historically Black neighborhood
Tanenhaus: Street in the French Quarter
Tanenhaus: Street in the French Quarter
Tanenhaus: Street in the French Quarter
Tanenhaus: Street in the French Quarter
Tanenhaus: Denis House, 1834
Tanenhaus: Denis House, 1834
Tanenhaus: Alligator gate entrance to a house in Marigny neighborhood
Tanenhaus: Alligator gate entrance
Tanenhaus: Alligator gate entrance
Tanenhaus: Alligator gate entrance
Tanenhaus: Front porch, Marigny
Tanenhaus: Creole townhouse with iron balconies, French Quarter
Tanenhaus: Four flags in the French Quarter
Tanenhaus: French Quarter lantern on Royal Street
Tanenhaus: Door detail, French Quarter
Tanenhaus: Royal Street in the French Quarter after the rain
Tanenhaus: Royal Street in the French Quarter after the rain
Tanenhaus: Big Easy Daiquiris, Bourbon Street, New Orleans
Tanenhaus: Napoleon House restaurant
Tanenhaus: Pimm's Cup at Napoleon House
Tanenhaus: Pimm's Cup at Napoleon House
Tanenhaus: Pimm's Cup at Napoleon House