Tarable1: typical Adirondack scene
Tarable1: Bonheim at the bar
Tarable1: we spent a lot of time here
Tarable1: typical Kwadwo
Tarable1: looks like trouble
Tarable1: the bar
Tarable1: some family bonding
Tarable1: she recently turned 21
Tarable1: cloudy fallness
Tarable1: my groom
Tarable1: the Garnet Hill lodge
Tarable1: birdhouses
Tarable1: Bowers and his belly
Tarable1: getting ready for a hike
Tarable1: fall saunter
Tarable1: the top of the rock
Tarable1: lots of garnet in them hills
Tarable1: fastest hiker of the group
Tarable1: discovery
Tarable1: looking up
Tarable1: my parents
Tarable1: fake mustaches all around
Tarable1: dinnertime
Tarable1: the high school friends crooning
Tarable1: guilty of wearing a great jacket
Tarable1: Dre and Stacey
Tarable1: family karaoke
Tarable1: crowd goes wild
Tarable1: tiny dancers
Tarable1: lots of Landsman women