tanders1: Peace Lily
tanders1: Unknown Flower
tanders1: Flowering Tree Blossom
tanders1: Trout Lily
tanders1: Wild Phlox
tanders1: Cranesbill
tanders1: Cranesbill
tanders1: Tickseed - Coreopsis grandiflora
tanders1: Yellow Flowers
tanders1: Columbine
tanders1: Campanulaceae
tanders1: Red Hollyhocks
tanders1: Staghorn Sumac
tanders1: Thistle
tanders1: Tree Blossoms
tanders1: Glory of the Snow - Chionodoxa forbesii
tanders1: White Trillium
tanders1: The Lowly Dandelion
tanders1: Red Trillium
tanders1: Coastal Flowers
tanders1: Red Rose
tanders1: Pink Roses
tanders1: Hot Pink Roses
tanders1: Milkweed and Katydid
tanders1: Waterlily 1
tanders1: Waterlily 2
tanders1: Flower and Bee
tanders1: Yellow Flower
tanders1: Coneflowers
tanders1: Sunflower