Tandem Guy:
This cache was placed in 2004
Tandem Guy:
An Altoids tin with magnets on the bottom
Tandem Guy:
Another bison tube
Tandem Guy:
Little bison tube cache
Tandem Guy:
Ammo box hanging from a tree
Tandem Guy:
Bison tube with magnet
Tandem Guy:
This one uses a recycled ammo box
Tandem Guy:
Another in the Incongruous series
Tandem Guy:
The name of this cache is Incongruous
Tandem Guy:
Nano cache
Tandem Guy:
Nicely hidden film can
Tandem Guy:
Phargo Phraugh
Tandem Guy:
Just the cap showing from this geocache in the remains of a rotten stump
Tandem Guy:
Why was the army corps of engineers here?
Tandem Guy:
The tree doesn't want you to know
Tandem Guy:
First stage of an offset cache
Tandem Guy:
Nicely camouflaged pill bottle
Tandem Guy:
Recycled bike bottle
Tandem Guy:
There's a cache in there, too.
Tandem Guy:
Film can taped to tree branch
Tandem Guy:
Well camouflaged tupperware
Tandem Guy:
First cache today
Tandem Guy:
There's an ammo can somewhere in that pile of rocks
Tandem Guy:
Lonesome trail
Tandem Guy:
Old railroad bridge
Tandem Guy:
Built in 1903
Tandem Guy:
View east from the railroad bridge
Tandem Guy:
Been a while since this was useful
Tandem Guy:
There's the ammo can cache
Tandem Guy:
There's an ammo can here somewhere