tanaise: Bride's photos
tanaise: Father-in-law, Groom, Ben
tanaise: Duncan, Nate, Bride's nephew
tanaise: Mum, Duncan, Nate, Ben
tanaise: Eli, Bride's Nephew (Kylar)
tanaise: P6240011
tanaise: Janet and Ben
tanaise: Mum, Duncan
tanaise: Groom's (blended) family
tanaise: Groom and Grandmothers
tanaise: Nate and Mum
tanaise: Mum and her mum
tanaise: P6250018
tanaise: Ben and Janet
tanaise: Chaplin, Eli, Nate
tanaise: Wedding
tanaise: Post candle lighting, during a song
tanaise: Nate and Emily
tanaise: Mum and Tiff
tanaise: ditto
tanaise: ditto
tanaise: P6250027
tanaise: P6250028
tanaise: Dancing with his self?
tanaise: still don't have the timing right
tanaise: should be obvious
tanaise: Kylar, his grandfather (Eli's father-in-law), and the flower girl
tanaise: Ann and Jock
tanaise: mother of the bride and Eli
tanaise: Dollar dances with the flower girl