tanagert1: 9 Balls
tanagert1: Chris's 9 Balls
tanagert1: Chris_Hodge_9_balls 11-30-2010
tanagert1: Chris Hodge 9 Balls
tanagert1: Head Rolls
tanagert1: Three Boxes
tanagert1: Club Passing on shoulders
tanagert1: 7 Ball shower passing
tanagert1: 3-person 12 Ring passing
tanagert1: Four person interlocked arms
tanagert1: Three boxes
tanagert1: 5 ball back-crosses
tanagert1: 3 ball walk-around
tanagert1: 14 ball passing
tanagert1: Three boxes
tanagert1: 7 Rings
tanagert1: 10 boxes
tanagert1: 9 box seal roll
tanagert1: 4 rings with a head bounce
tanagert1: 5 ball contortion
tanagert1: Chris Hodge
tanagert1: from below
tanagert1: around flag pole
tanagert1: around flag pole with rings
tanagert1: behind columns
tanagert1: down the stairs
tanagert1: lamp post
tanagert1: from above
tanagert1: Andrew Hodge Juggling 5 Clubs
tanagert1: Andrew Hodge Doing Alberts