tamworthlibrary: Lichen's feast
tamworthlibrary: Late Blight on tomatoes
tamworthlibrary: John Quincy Adams
tamworthlibrary: Symptom of late blight on potato leaves
tamworthlibrary: Christmas cactus in roaring bloom
tamworthlibrary: Great Goddess
tamworthlibrary: Social Graph Platform Wars & Amazon
tamworthlibrary: "A homemade life" by Molly Wizenberg
tamworthlibrary: Cover design for Oral History Collection
tamworthlibrary: Front Cover "Diary of a Tamworth Boy"
tamworthlibrary: Summertime...and the Reading is Easy
tamworthlibrary: Volunteer breakfast 2009
tamworthlibrary: Dennis & Davy, local musicians extraordinaire
tamworthlibrary: Flying book
tamworthlibrary: Damon brothers
tamworthlibrary: Behr brothers
tamworthlibrary: Library patrons come in all sizes
tamworthlibrary: Greg Mortenson's Stones into Schools
tamworthlibrary: Greg Mortenson at work
tamworthlibrary: Christmas tree in Concord, NH
tamworthlibrary: Photo Credit: U.S. Census Bureau, Public Information Office
tamworthlibrary: Katy Thompson's Tamworth Posters
tamworthlibrary: Chinese woman, photo by Mark b120
tamworthlibrary: US Coast Guard crew evacuates injured from Haiti
tamworthlibrary: Photo by Jenn Mashiak
tamworthlibrary: Let the great world spin by Colum McCann
tamworthlibrary: Flickr photo by "Ipinseel"
tamworthlibrary: Garden border in front of the library
tamworthlibrary: And by night