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tamucc: Graduate students Kelly Correia (left) and volunteer Erin Erben (right) work together on behavioral research after pesticide exposure in a Toxicology lab.
tamucc: Students David Garcia and Toyosi Idowu work together on an STP in their Microchemistry lab.
tamucc: Dr. Jeffery Spirko assists students Tayler M.(left), Alyssa Genty and Kyle Mazatob(right) with basics steps when approaching an excercise in University Physics I lab.
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tamucc: Dr. Philippe Tissot(right) and his team, give a demonstation on the Weather on Wheels APP.
tamucc: Anna Garza researches samples using a microscope during a Parasitology lab.
tamucc: Brenna Schulze focuses on her lab work for a microbiology class.
tamucc: Cadet Ryan Kelley (left) with the Army ROTC Islander Batallion assists student Leah Barts as she rappels down the Center for the Sciences building. See photos: https://flic.kr/s/aHsksqE9uw Watch video: https://youtu.be/Ih5FgsCL7n0
tamucc: Student Beth Ortiz practices using a microscope in her Mircobiology lab.
tamucc: Student Brandon Phung observes different microscopic organisms in his Microbiology lab.
tamucc: Andres Rodriguez works on his Strength and Material assignment in the Engineering building.
tamucc: Chris Wadowsky and Wesley Garcia collaborate on an assignment in their Invertebrate Paleontology class.
tamucc: Phi Kappa Phi inductees pose for a group portrait with the organization's executive committee during their recent induction ceremony.