Tams_: Spring Lambs
Tams_: Salted cod fish out on the flake
Tams_: Gull Cove
Tams_: Sacred tree way, way up in the countryside in Cuba. Religious goers from all over the world (Buddhists/witches) come to the tree to offer up honey and fruit in exchange for good luck/health/fortune.
Tams_: Swimming in the waterfalls in the Cuban Countryside
Tams_: Serenity at The Cliffhouse
Tams_: Jerry anxiously waiting for Frank the squirrel to come out and play.
Tams_: The Cliffhouse
Tams_: Old Camera Snap, Cape St. Mary`s
Tams_: Old Camera Snap ``Love Birds``
Tams_: Old Camera Snap - Gull Cove circa 2008
Tams_: Old Camera Snap - Point Leamington circa 2008
Tams_: Old Camera Snap - Ice in Leading Tickles Bay Circa 2008
Tams_: Leading Tickles Harbour
Tams_: Sailing on the Cuban Coastline
Tams_: Old Camera Snap, circa 2008, maybe Cape Broyle
Tams_: Pius in the fog!
Tams_: Pineapple
Tams_: "We have a menu of children"
Tams_: Cuba
Tams_: Frank the Squirrel
Tams_: Leading Tickles
Tams_: Picture of a Pitcher!