tlesslinger: sleepy Bailey
tlesslinger: Bailey
tlesslinger: Baileykins
tlesslinger: Adam and Bailey
tlesslinger: Bailey attacks
tlesslinger: who me?
tlesslinger: Asleepy
tlesslinger: Sleeping with the tongue out
tlesslinger: Bailey sleeps with her tongue out. It's weird and entertaining.
tlesslinger: Sleeping with her tongue out again
tlesslinger: Bailey with her tongue out...again
tlesslinger: Tongue out sleeping.
tlesslinger: Bailey
tlesslinger: Bailey
tlesslinger: Bailey
tlesslinger: Bailey
tlesslinger: Bailey
tlesslinger: Craving attention
tlesslinger: you woke me up for this?!
tlesslinger: hanging out under the coffee table
tlesslinger: Puppyhead
tlesslinger: Bailey
tlesslinger: Cute little puppy
tlesslinger: coming to get the camera
tlesslinger: hanging out under the coffee table
tlesslinger: Adam and Bailey
tlesslinger: Licky Bailey
tlesslinger: Bitey Bailey
tlesslinger: sleepy chewing
tlesslinger: Chewy Bailey