tamelyn: toucan play this game
tamelyn: little known fact: my son can shoot yellow caution tape directly out of his eye
tamelyn: I love his face (b&w)
tamelyn: I love his face
tamelyn: whisper
tamelyn: adventures in flash photography, part 2: "mom, are you DONE yet?"
tamelyn: ray of light
tamelyn: the wonder of it all
tamelyn: the scientist
tamelyn: on this night let us light one little candle fire
tamelyn: anticipation
tamelyn: jules in the bear hat
tamelyn: julian IS impressed with my new lens
tamelyn: this world is big and so-awake
tamelyn: 'tween
tamelyn: plastic playground slides can be a hair-raising experience
tamelyn: freedom
tamelyn: it's amazing how quickly ten years can fly by
tamelyn: I would have to pay a small fortune and have my hair wrapped in tin foil to get highlights like these
tamelyn: mozzarella cheese puff with julian bokeh
tamelyn: summer
tamelyn: ten
tamelyn: dreamy
tamelyn: jump for joy
tamelyn: dear brittney: for your birthday, in lieu of a monkey card, please accept this adorable monkey face. thank you.
tamelyn: uncle scott rocks!
tamelyn: oh man! now I wish I hadn't cut my hair!*
tamelyn: chiaroscuro
tamelyn: coookieday!