T. Burd: Chilcotin Moon and lake
T. Burd: Chilcotin moon and mountain
T. Burd: Chilcotin wild rose
T. Burd: Anahim Lake fence
T. Burd: Wayne
T. Burd: The Hill
T. Burd: The Hill
T. Burd: The Bella Coola Valley - view from The Hill
T. Burd: Bella Coola - Firvale
T. Burd: Bella Coola Valley Glacier
T. Burd: toy tractor in woodpile
T. Burd: Sphinx Moth fingers
T. Burd: world's best outhouse
T. Burd: Holly smile
T. Burd: party lights in window
T. Burd: Kory smile
T. Burd: Our House
T. Burd: river from the bridge
T. Burd: God Sign
T. Burd: Bella Coola Highway
T. Burd: Music Festival - Dad and little boy
T. Burd: Music Festival - Holly
T. Burd: Kim
T. Burd: Tamea - Experiencing the Adventure
T. Burd: Austin
T. Burd: Blue sits determinedly
T. Burd: Fraser's fire
T. Burd: thinking and sitting near the fire
T. Burd: Lambchop yawning
T. Burd: Holly, Fraser, new baby kittens