KayoTamaishi: Pray for Japan
KayoTamaishi: Welcome to the forest of "Q"
KayoTamaishi: 秘めたる願い A secret wish
KayoTamaishi: 君に聞きたいことがある I want to ask you
KayoTamaishi: 愛と勇気の魔法を胸に Magic of love and courage in your heart
KayoTamaishi: あたしたちは無敵 We are unrivaled.
KayoTamaishi: Happy time with my melody
KayoTamaishi: 千のリボンに願いを込めて Thousands of prayer Bows
KayoTamaishi: きみの心を癒すもの 
KayoTamaishi: 「きみが笑えば世界も笑う」" Laugh, and the world laughs with you "
KayoTamaishi: いつだって自由 I'm always free.