tam_ba_lam: Josie and Grampa
tam_ba_lam: Playing with Grampa
tam_ba_lam: Josie and Grampa
tam_ba_lam: Alexander warms up
tam_ba_lam: Josie, Ellie and Ana
tam_ba_lam: bowling - nice socks!
tam_ba_lam: Dan and Alexander
tam_ba_lam: Dan and Ana
tam_ba_lam: josie bowls
tam_ba_lam: for Mark
tam_ba_lam: Teresa and Jericho
tam_ba_lam: Don and Jen
tam_ba_lam: Lily
tam_ba_lam: Wyatt
tam_ba_lam: Josie and Wyatt goof off! 3
tam_ba_lam: Josie and Wyatt goof off! 2
tam_ba_lam: Josie and Wyatt goof off! 1
tam_ba_lam: Birthday Bee!
tam_ba_lam: Josie and Mick
tam_ba_lam: Josie and Mick
tam_ba_lam: Puzzles at the Library
tam_ba_lam: Posing at the Dolphin Fountain
tam_ba_lam: Peek!
tam_ba_lam: MN Zoo
tam_ba_lam: MN Zoo
tam_ba_lam: MN Zoo
tam_ba_lam: MN Zoo
tam_ba_lam: Hello
tam_ba_lam: Don and Josie
tam_ba_lam: Don, hanging with the kids