Talus: Columbine Open Space
Talus: Columbine Open Space
Talus: Columbine Open Space
Talus: Columbine Open Space
Talus: Columbine Open Space
Talus: Columbine Open Space
Talus: Columbine Open Space
Talus: Columbine Open Space
Talus: Columbine Open Space
Talus: Columbine Open Space
Talus: Talus on the cliff
Talus: MTB and Talus
Talus: paintbrush
Talus: blue bird, can you see it?
Talus: Mr. Knightly taking a walk
Talus: The Town of Castle Rock
Talus: I-25 and Front Street looking north
Talus: The rock
Talus: Trail on the north east side
Talus: The rock from the north
Talus: From the east
Talus: The Town of Castle Rock
Talus: the trail
Talus: The town
Talus: Looking toward the SW
Talus: Cherry Creek
Talus: Pikes Peak
Talus: Ponderosa at the creek bottoom
Talus: Windy yesterday during the storm!