talulahgosh: 2015-07-21_10-54-55
talulahgosh: If I had ten bucks, I would buy this and never take it off. NEVER. #pirates
talulahgosh: Even the children of the damned need to play. #estatesale
talulahgosh: Kabob it....said no one ever. #estatesale
talulahgosh: Outside of Dream
talulahgosh: Came home to find the Roomba wedged beneath the fridge. It REALLY wanted to clean under the fridge, apparently!!
talulahgosh: Box seat bitches!! Brahms and Radiohead #SportingSomeFancyPantsTonight
talulahgosh: This doll definitely came alive at night...
talulahgosh: Tell me about the lambs, Clarice
talulahgosh: the high road
talulahgosh: There is no happy in this picture.
talulahgosh: GORGEOUS!!! #estatesale
talulahgosh: Now that's a classy razor!!!
talulahgosh: Cat. Can't think of anything else to write here.
talulahgosh: Kitty in a bag, just like Beadie
talulahgosh: 26 bucks of produce!! #WeCantEatAllMeatSadly
talulahgosh: Screaming my name, alas I shall not buy.
talulahgosh: That confusing moment when the green arrows on the Fort Pitt Bridge turn into red Xs. #CanYouEvenStopHere #TakingPicsWhileParked
talulahgosh: Neato brick design in Braddock
talulahgosh: Alice, emo kitty. #IsitWrongNotToAlwaysBeGlad #TheSmithsAreHilarious
talulahgosh: Did I mention this yet? #BestReadingEver #ChuckPalahniuk
talulahgosh: Tiny bottles
talulahgosh: After the talk #ChuckPalahniuk
talulahgosh: Now THAT'S a cake, bitches!! #TwoPoundsOfMousse #AllMine
talulahgosh: Bring me Santa's head on fleshy pole!! And put it in a sleigh, dammit!!
talulahgosh: Creepy Santas always intrigue me, but I can't buy them all.
talulahgosh: If only he gave speeches in front of a giant version of this #CitizenKane #TommyWiseau #rifftrax #KickstarterSwag #TheCrappening
talulahgosh: FOUR playing speeds!! #turntable
talulahgosh: Wish they had one for Nabokov!
talulahgosh: How the fuck did she get up there??