talulahgosh: entrance to moma's tim burton
talulahgosh: chinese new year lion dance!!
talulahgosh: whale from below
talulahgosh: colors
talulahgosh: bringing in the chinese new year nyc chinatown
talulahgosh: memorial to suckerfish past
talulahgosh: tony popping
talulahgosh: indian restaurant
talulahgosh: at the brooklyn botanical gardens
talulahgosh: mutation theory honored!
talulahgosh: fossils decorating the subway=awesome
talulahgosh: P1020261
talulahgosh: P1020262
talulahgosh: P1020263
talulahgosh: this is new york city.
talulahgosh: gimme a catchy name for this crazy bush!!
talulahgosh: animated gif pt 3
talulahgosh: animated gif pt 2
talulahgosh: animated gif pt 1
talulahgosh: catherine!
talulahgosh: screaming at the top of my lungs
talulahgosh: truly heaven
talulahgosh: fish spout close up
talulahgosh: fish in nyc
talulahgosh: the camel.
talulahgosh: P1020295
talulahgosh: P1020296
talulahgosh: hayden planetarium
talulahgosh: it's almost a wong kar wai movie