Yugan Dali: in Rukai territory
Yugan Dali: 曦光 morning light.
Yugan Dali: into the wild blue yonder
Yugan Dali: off we go
Yugan Dali: Rukai custom
Yugan Dali: 天氣真好! The weather was beautiful.
Yugan Dali: 山谷迎接我們。The mountains beckoned.
Yugan Dali: 出發了! We headed in.
Yugan Dali: obstacle overcome
Yugan Dali: Follow you!
Yugan Dali: enticing water
Yugan Dali: Onward!
Yugan Dali: 陽光普照 Welcome sunshine.
Yugan Dali: Venturing across the raging torrent!
Yugan Dali: deeper into the gorge
Yugan Dali: and more wow!
Yugan Dali: entering the gorge
Yugan Dali: 雄偉!
Yugan Dali: tight
Yugan Dali: further in
Yugan Dali: waterfall
Yugan Dali: waterfall
Yugan Dali: After I passed through the final waterfall
Yugan Dali: cold water
Yugan Dali: enjoying shivering
Yugan Dali: be brave!
Yugan Dali: 天上的水
Yugan Dali: Gorgeous!