The Rare Book Detective: books, type, watermarks:
1489 Printer's device (Scoti)
The Rare Book Detective: books, type, watermarks:
1493 Gregorium de Gregorija Printer's device
The Rare Book Detective: books, type, watermarks:
1495 Bernardus Stagninus printer's device
The Rare Book Detective: books, type, watermarks:
1495 printer's device (Stagninus)
The Rare Book Detective: books, type, watermarks:
1517 Furterius printer's device
The Rare Book Detective: books, type, watermarks:
1519 De Worde printer's device
The Rare Book Detective: books, type, watermarks:
1518 Froben
The Rare Book Detective: books, type, watermarks:
1519 Froben Printer's device
The Rare Book Detective: books, type, watermarks:
1519 Printer's device (Froben)
The Rare Book Detective: books, type, watermarks:
1520 Gorgonzola printer's device
The Rare Book Detective: books, type, watermarks:
1535 title page with printer's device (Zanetti)
The Rare Book Detective: books, type, watermarks:
1538 Bebel printer's device while isingrinium worked for him
The Rare Book Detective: books, type, watermarks:
1555 Isingrinium Device
The Rare Book Detective: books, type, watermarks:
1534 De Coline printer's device
The Rare Book Detective: books, type, watermarks:
1542 Stephanus Printer's Device
The Rare Book Detective: books, type, watermarks:
1544 printer's device (estienne)
The Rare Book Detective: books, type, watermarks:
1544 Stephanus printer's device
The Rare Book Detective: books, type, watermarks:
1557 Henri Stephanus printer's device
The Rare Book Detective: books, type, watermarks:
1544 Title page by Stephanus (Estienne)
The Rare Book Detective: books, type, watermarks:
1547 printer's device (De Castro)
The Rare Book Detective: books, type, watermarks:
1550 HenricPetri printer's device in rear of book
The Rare Book Detective: books, type, watermarks:
1567 Petri printer's device
The Rare Book Detective: books, type, watermarks:
1605 printer's device Heinric Petri
The Rare Book Detective: books, type, watermarks:
1550 title page with printer's device (Giaccarelli)
The Rare Book Detective: books, type, watermarks:
1551 printer's device at the end of the book
The Rare Book Detective: books, type, watermarks:
1553 Domenico Zio printer's device
The Rare Book Detective: books, type, watermarks:
1553 Printer's device
The Rare Book Detective: books, type, watermarks:
1558 De Ferrari printer's device and title page
The Rare Book Detective: books, type, watermarks:
1557 printer's device
The Rare Book Detective: books, type, watermarks:
1560 Oporinum printer's device