The Rare Book Detective: books, type, watermarks: 1569 3 circles with 2 griffins either side and crown above watermark
The Rare Book Detective: books, type, watermarks: 1622 Two circles with G and maltese cross
The Rare Book Detective: books, type, watermarks: 1650 Double line circle with indistinct in centre
The Rare Book Detective: books, type, watermarks: 1663 3 circles in shield with acanthus leaves
The Rare Book Detective: books, type, watermarks: 1683 3 circles with 3 crosses above watermark
The Rare Book Detective: books, type, watermarks: 1683 3 circles with crown above
The Rare Book Detective: books, type, watermarks: 1689 3 circles with cross and star
The Rare Book Detective: books, type, watermarks: 1689 3 circles with cross, fleur de lis and initial with 3 crosses above
The Rare Book Detective: books, type, watermarks: 1689 3 circles with griffins, crown above and cross
The Rare Book Detective: books, type, watermarks: 1698 3 circles with crescent and cross pommee watermark
The Rare Book Detective: books, type, watermarks: 1698 three circles with cross above
The Rare Book Detective: books, type, watermarks: 1742 3 circles with griffins and SP
The Rare Book Detective: books, type, watermarks: 1742 3 circles with griffins and SP
The Rare Book Detective: books, type, watermarks: 1742 3 circles with griffins and SP
The Rare Book Detective: books, type, watermarks: 3 circles with creascent above watermarks
The Rare Book Detective: books, type, watermarks: 1689 3 circles in shield watermark