The Rare Book Detective: books, type, watermarks:
1622 non contemporary binding, half leather
The Rare Book Detective: books, type, watermarks:
1622 sprinkled edges
The Rare Book Detective: books, type, watermarks:
1622 Wyon printer's device
The Rare Book Detective: books, type, watermarks:
1622 musical initial A
The Rare Book Detective: books, type, watermarks:
1622 floriated initial C
The Rare Book Detective: books, type, watermarks:
1622 pagan initial H
The Rare Book Detective: books, type, watermarks:
1622 floriated initial M
The Rare Book Detective: books, type, watermarks:
1622 temoin or cut to show proof
The Rare Book Detective: books, type, watermarks:
1622 chapter header
The Rare Book Detective: books, type, watermarks:
1622 Horn watermark
The Rare Book Detective: books, type, watermarks:
1622 Tailpiece
The Rare Book Detective: books, type, watermarks:
1622 indistinct watermark
The Rare Book Detective: books, type, watermarks:
1622 4 watermark indistinct