The Rare Book Detective: books, type, watermarks:
1623 half leather binding with marbled paper sides
The Rare Book Detective: books, type, watermarks:
1623 Gold fillets around bands
The Rare Book Detective: books, type, watermarks:
1623 Geneva
The Rare Book Detective: books, type, watermarks:
1623 Red and black title page (Gamonet)
The Rare Book Detective: books, type, watermarks:
1623 Printer's device?
The Rare Book Detective: books, type, watermarks:
1623 Tailpiece used by Gamonet
The Rare Book Detective: books, type, watermarks:
1623 Pagination
The Rare Book Detective: books, type, watermarks:
1623 Pagination - folio letter and number
The Rare Book Detective: books, type, watermarks:
1623 Chapter header and factotum
The Rare Book Detective: books, type, watermarks:
1623 Fleuron as header and floriated E
The Rare Book Detective: books, type, watermarks:
1623 Chapter header
The Rare Book Detective: books, type, watermarks:
1623 Decorated rule
The Rare Book Detective: books, type, watermarks:
1623 Type and rule
The Rare Book Detective: books, type, watermarks:
1623 Inhabited and floriated chapter header
The Rare Book Detective: books, type, watermarks:
1623 Chapter header
The Rare Book Detective: books, type, watermarks:
1623 Zoomorphic letter R
The Rare Book Detective: books, type, watermarks:
1623 Criblé initial C
The Rare Book Detective: books, type, watermarks:
1623 Floriated letter D
The Rare Book Detective: books, type, watermarks:
1623 INhabited initial E
The Rare Book Detective: books, type, watermarks:
1623 Zoomorphic initial I
The Rare Book Detective: books, type, watermarks:
1623 Arabesque initial P (small)
The Rare Book Detective: books, type, watermarks:
1623 Arabesque initial A
The Rare Book Detective: books, type, watermarks:
1623 Factotum or passe-partout A
The Rare Book Detective: books, type, watermarks:
1623 Factotum or passe-partout D
The Rare Book Detective: books, type, watermarks:
1623 Factotum or passe- V
The Rare Book Detective: books, type, watermarks:
1623 Passe-partout or factotum G
The Rare Book Detective: books, type, watermarks:
1623 Endbands