The Rare Book Detective: books, type, watermarks:
1495 Anchor with saltire
The Rare Book Detective: books, type, watermarks:
1498 Anchor -
The Rare Book Detective: books, type, watermarks:
1508 Anchor in double line
The Rare Book Detective: books, type, watermarks:
1508 Anchor in double line
The Rare Book Detective: books, type, watermarks:
1576 Anchor in single line
The Rare Book Detective: books, type, watermarks:
1576 Anchor with 6 pointed star above
The Rare Book Detective: books, type, watermarks:
1600 Anchor in single line
The Rare Book Detective: books, type, watermarks:
1637 anchor in double lines
The Rare Book Detective: books, type, watermarks:
1667 Anchor in double lines
The Rare Book Detective: books, type, watermarks:
1690 Anchor watermark
The Rare Book Detective: books, type, watermarks:
1690 Anchor - in double line in circle with star above
The Rare Book Detective: books, type, watermarks:
1553 anchor with star above watermark
The Rare Book Detective: books, type, watermarks:
Anchor in circle with star above