Tall Guy: Paddy's Hole... almost sundown.
Tall Guy: Wrecked....
Tall Guy: The River Tees....
Tall Guy: Middlesbrough Tees....
Tall Guy: Don't let the sun go down on me......
Tall Guy: Transporter Bridge.....
Tall Guy: Little boxes---
Tall Guy: Wreck...
Tall Guy: Prepare to launch.....
Tall Guy: Giant in the sky.....
Tall Guy: A bridge too far......
Tall Guy: Hmmm.. what went wrong
Tall Guy: HDR or HDR
Tall Guy: Transporter Bridge, ebb and flow
Tall Guy: King of the hill..
Tall Guy: Man in his element....
Tall Guy: The River Tees...
Tall Guy: More Room Below...
Tall Guy: Paddy's Hole.
Tall Guy: Transporter Bridge, into the sun......
Tall Guy: Ugly ducklings....
Tall Guy: Moon shot....
Tall Guy: Roarrrrrr.... or something like that :-)
Tall Guy: Tees Bridge up close....
Tall Guy: Tees Bridge....