talkingcrow: andrew. amazing amazing being.
talkingcrow: VERY proud dad, juan
talkingcrow: beautiful jess
talkingcrow: a stunning wedding, impossible to top
talkingcrow: deck 1
talkingcrow: deck 2
talkingcrow: egg chair
talkingcrow: at the ranch. that whole yellow thing moves.
talkingcrow: chad and georgia
talkingcrow: it was a great bunch of people
talkingcrow: the groom
talkingcrow: best. match. ever.
talkingcrow: toasts to the couple
talkingcrow: more at our table
talkingcrow: our table
talkingcrow: dinner chat
talkingcrow: two amazing people
talkingcrow: the fabulous celeste and the preggo me
talkingcrow: wedding prep
talkingcrow: celeste (mom of groom), groom, bride
talkingcrow: allyn and jodi
talkingcrow: the fabulous twins
talkingcrow: golden gate
talkingcrow: golden gate
talkingcrow: golden gate
talkingcrow: goooooooooooooogle
talkingcrow: yes, the lunch *is* that good and free
talkingcrow: fun while the parents are gone
talkingcrow: "i want some under my eyes"