talker: Tokyo, San Carlos, Cold Spring
talker: London London London II
talker: Two Headed Bear
talker: Shoreditch Erin II
talker: Luke at Jaguar Shoes
talker: London Tube
talker: Tower Bridge II
talker: Historyland
talker: Erin at Ai Weiwei II
talker: Wheel and Sky
talker: Houses of Parliament VI
talker: Statue and Windows
talker: Unicorn
talker: Statuary VII (Victoria Memorial)
talker: Lady and Lion
talker: Wienermobile III
talker: Six
talker: Triple Valve Coupler Shank
talker: Mold-A-Rama
talker: Dinner at The Castello Plan III
talker: Erin in SoMa
talker: Blue Bottle Breakfast
talker: Erin and Eve
talker: Panda Baby II
talker: Jeevan, Emily, and Eve (11 Days)
talker: Erin, Pierced Monolith with Color I
talker: Fall in Love / Brooklyn
talker: John Challenger
talker: Modern World Abandons the Bible I
talker: Garden of Eden (Adam Names the Beasts of the Land)