m.herr@sbcglobal.net: My sleeping angels.
m.herr@sbcglobal.net: Scarlet's a tree-sitter
m.herr@sbcglobal.net: Walter and Ya-Ya
m.herr@sbcglobal.net: Halloween 2010
m.herr@sbcglobal.net: Halloween 2010
m.herr@sbcglobal.net: Halloween 2010
m.herr@sbcglobal.net: Our Fairy Princess
m.herr@sbcglobal.net: Mother's Day 2011
m.herr@sbcglobal.net: Walter with dogs
m.herr@sbcglobal.net: Tony & baby Walter
m.herr@sbcglobal.net: scary scarlet
m.herr@sbcglobal.net: wild thing Scarlet Kindergarten, 2011
m.herr@sbcglobal.net: Crawling on the couch to get closer
m.herr@sbcglobal.net: And then what happened ?
m.herr@sbcglobal.net: Scarlet wants in
m.herr@sbcglobal.net: Walter likes this story
m.herr@sbcglobal.net: Who's teaching who?
m.herr@sbcglobal.net: Immersed in a book
m.herr@sbcglobal.net: The reading lesson
m.herr@sbcglobal.net: Checking on how the kids are doing
m.herr@sbcglobal.net: Scarlet thinks this is funny
m.herr@sbcglobal.net: Tutu Kane is amused
m.herr@sbcglobal.net: IMG_2209-2011-09-18-15-58-23-2011-09-18-15-58-23
m.herr@sbcglobal.net: Relaxing with the grandkids in September, 201111-09-18-15-58-32
m.herr@sbcglobal.net: Barbara isn't watching the book
m.herr@sbcglobal.net: Bosco wants in, see him looking out of the corner of his eye?
m.herr@sbcglobal.net: Here's Scarlet ! !