tAlex Bikes: The Route
tAlex Bikes: The group
tAlex Bikes: Roadside repairs
tAlex Bikes: Our roadside campsite
tAlex Bikes: Tom's Kona Sutra
tAlex Bikes: Short cut road
tAlex Bikes: Nathan
tAlex Bikes: Down the hill to Dargo
tAlex Bikes: Kegs at Dargo Pub
tAlex Bikes: Steep
tAlex Bikes: Very Steep
tAlex Bikes: Very Steep
tAlex Bikes: Opps...
tAlex Bikes: Our second roadside campsite
tAlex Bikes: Water!
tAlex Bikes: Burnt
tAlex Bikes: Dargo High plains
tAlex Bikes: Dargo Highplains
tAlex Bikes: Mount Hotham
tAlex Bikes: The Twins
tAlex Bikes: Dirty
tAlex Bikes: Bright Brewery
tAlex Bikes: Bright Brewery Beer!
tAlex Bikes: Pasta!
tAlex Bikes: Tom ensures our muscles will be rebuilt overnight
tAlex Bikes: Protein
tAlex Bikes: Planning our next move
tAlex Bikes: Stocktaking
tAlex Bikes: Lake Buffalo
tAlex Bikes: Mount Buffalo