tAlex Bikes:
Solo Cycle Tour Map
tAlex Bikes:
tAlex Bikes:
Bruthen Trestle Bridge
tAlex Bikes:
Stony Creek Trestle Bridge
tAlex Bikes:
Nowa Nowa Campsite
tAlex Bikes:
Lake Tyers
tAlex Bikes:
Nowa Nowa
tAlex Bikes:
The snowy meets the ocean
tAlex Bikes:
Mordor is after me
tAlex Bikes:
Yeerung River
tAlex Bikes:
Pearl Point Track
tAlex Bikes:
tAlex Bikes:
tAlex Bikes:
Lonely Drum
tAlex Bikes:
Drummer Rd Face
tAlex Bikes:
Prawning Boats
tAlex Bikes:
Mallacoota Campsite
tAlex Bikes:
tAlex Bikes:
Mallacoota Lake
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First light
tAlex Bikes:
tAlex Bikes:
Early Morning Fishing
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tAlex Bikes:
Afternoon Fishing
tAlex Bikes:
Genoa Peak
tAlex Bikes:
We climbed up Genoa Peak
tAlex Bikes:
Some of it was hard work
tAlex Bikes:
Genoa Peak
tAlex Bikes:
We rested at the top
tAlex Bikes:
Bink took a photo