talesfromthecrib: bill@partey
talesfromthecrib: katzenbill
talesfromthecrib: billgrijs
talesfromthecrib: wreed accident
talesfromthecrib: orange eyeness
talesfromthecrib: Billy in hawaï
talesfromthecrib: bill and bob
talesfromthecrib: this is not a cat picture
talesfromthecrib: sleeping on my desk
talesfromthecrib: It's not easy being fluffy
talesfromthecrib: quick shower
talesfromthecrib: portretje
talesfromthecrib: spreet, the sequel
talesfromthecrib: let the beast go
talesfromthecrib: cat in sink
talesfromthecrib: lieverd tot de tweede
talesfromthecrib: trouwe gezel