Tales from the Rainbow Room: Tiny Rainbow Quilt Top
Tales from the Rainbow Room: Tiny Rainbow Quilt 2
Tales from the Rainbow Room: Almost Completed Wheel 2
Tales from the Rainbow Room: Almost Completed Wheel
Tales from the Rainbow Room: Hand Sewing in Progress 2
Tales from the Rainbow Room: Hand Sewing in Progress
Tales from the Rainbow Room: Magenta to Orange
Tales from the Rainbow Room: Purple to Orange 2
Tales from the Rainbow Room: Cut Fabric Strips for Color Wheel Quilt 2
Tales from the Rainbow Room: Cut Fabric Strips for Color Wheel Quilt 1
Tales from the Rainbow Room: Greens and Blues 2
Tales from the Rainbow Room: Sewing in the Inner Circle
Tales from the Rainbow Room: Sewing in the Inner Circle 2
Tales from the Rainbow Room: Sewing in the Inner Circle, Warm Colors
Tales from the Rainbow Room: Color Wheel Quilt, black and white
Tales from the Rainbow Room: Color Wheel Quilt, black and white (color only in wheel) copy
Tales from the Rainbow Room: Color Wheel Quilt, 25 mm shot (black and white)
Tales from the Rainbow Room: Finished Color Wheel Quilt Top
Tales from the Rainbow Room: Finished Color Wheel Quilt Top, 2
Tales from the Rainbow Room: (8) Close-up, blue, purple, magenta
Tales from the Rainbow Room: (7) Pinned close-up, blue and purple
Tales from the Rainbow Room: (6) Pinned close-up, blue
Tales from the Rainbow Room: (5) Pinned close up, green aqua and blue
Tales from the Rainbow Room: (4) Pinned close-up, green and aqua
Tales from the Rainbow Room: (3) Pinned close-up, yellow and yellow-green
Tales from the Rainbow Room: (2) Pinned close-up, orange and yellow
Tales from the Rainbow Room: (1) Pinned close-up, purple and red
Tales from the Rainbow Room: Color Wheel Quilt pinned