Tales from the Rainbow Room: 1.25.11 - Crochet Flower Progress
Tales from the Rainbow Room: 1.24.11 - red flower close-up
Tales from the Rainbow Room: 1.24.11 - red flower close-up 2
Tales from the Rainbow Room: 1.24.11 - crochet flower calendar beginnings
Tales from the Rainbow Room: 1.24.11 - Calendar Bottom
Tales from the Rainbow Room: 2.9.11 - Almost Complete
Tales from the Rainbow Room: Red, Orange, and Yellow Flowers and Thread
Tales from the Rainbow Room: Yellow, Green, and Blue-Green Flowers and Thread
Tales from the Rainbow Room: Blue and Purple Flowers and Thread
Tales from the Rainbow Room: Rainbow Flowers and Thread (Spectrum)
Tales from the Rainbow Room: Rainbow of Crochet Flowers
Tales from the Rainbow Room: 2.16.11 - Rainbow Flowers and Thread
Tales from the Rainbow Room: Warm Colors (and Greens)
Tales from the Rainbow Room: Rainbow Flowers and Thread 2
Tales from the Rainbow Room: Red and Orange Flowers
Tales from the Rainbow Room: Orange and Yellow Flowers
Tales from the Rainbow Room: Yellow and Lime Flowers
Tales from the Rainbow Room: Green and Blue Green Flowers
Tales from the Rainbow Room: Blue and Purple Flowers
Tales from the Rainbow Room: 2.16.11 - Layout for Calendar
Tales from the Rainbow Room: 2.16.11 - Rainbow of Crocheted Flowers
Tales from the Rainbow Room: Green and Blue Flowers
Tales from the Rainbow Room: 2.23.11 - Crochet Flowers, tan background
Tales from the Rainbow Room: 2.23.11 - Blurred Flowers
Tales from the Rainbow Room: 2.23.11 - Completed Flowers, black background
Tales from the Rainbow Room: 3.4.11 - French Knots and Chain Stitches
Tales from the Rainbow Room: 3.2.11 - Completed Writing on Calendar 3