Fresh Lens Photography: My new boyfriend for the week. His name is Max & he has very kindly condescended to have me over. But I better watch my p's & q's cuz he is watchin'...
Fresh Lens Photography: My other boyfriend this week: Loki. Mike is gonna be so jealous...
Fresh Lens Photography: I will getchoo thru the chair!!! --Max
Fresh Lens Photography: Hanging with my boyfriend Loki tonight--looks like stuffed duck is on the menu... ;-)
Fresh Lens Photography: Loki just wakes up happy. #housesittinglife #smooshyface
Fresh Lens Photography: Love house-sitting for this character... #maxcat #ragamuffin
Fresh Lens Photography: Waiting to be scratched/played with: the morning entourage. #housesittinglife #areyoureadyyet
Fresh Lens Photography: Somebody is a bit excited his mom & dad are coming home today. #housesittinglife #squeakysteakinthemorning
Fresh Lens Photography: Roxie: Compliments are nice, lady, but where are the treats? #housesittingadventures #quickvisitsstillrequireamilkbond #ehhem
Fresh Lens Photography: Loki: Just call me treat man. #housesittingadventures #quickvisitsstillrequireamilkbond #howcanyouresistthatface