Fresh Lens Photography: Whatcha' Lookin' At?
Fresh Lens Photography: Forget the dog, play with me instead.
Fresh Lens Photography: The 'Oh good, you're awake. Where's my breakfast?' face. #goodmorninghumanservant #imstillwaiting
Fresh Lens Photography: Chunk on a Railroad Tie
Fresh Lens Photography: Chunk in the Yard
Fresh Lens Photography: Just plopped himself down next to me. If proximity equals affection, this must be his version of a cuddle. #feelinspecial #donttouch #iwillclawyourface
Fresh Lens Photography: Sweet, smooshy cat face. #sometimesheiscute
Fresh Lens Photography: Chunk Up Close
Fresh Lens Photography: I'm Humoring You
Fresh Lens Photography: I'm Not Amused.
Fresh Lens Photography: Chunk in Shade
Fresh Lens Photography: You may pet me now.
Fresh Lens Photography: I think he's decided to nap until spring. #copingskills #theheckwithwinter
Fresh Lens Photography: What Do You Want?
Fresh Lens Photography: Cross Process