Talba: Morning. Fog
Talba: The storm
Talba: What Seagulls do in the stormy weather...
Talba: This land is our Land
Talba: White Springtime
Talba: ....gonna be happy
Talba: Immigrants, the New citizens
Talba: Concrete Angel
Talba: New Workers
Talba: Thinking about Snow White
Talba: Emotionally Yours
Talba: Another world
Talba: By the bookshelf
Talba: Knitting on the bus (2)
Talba: Trip to heaven
Talba: To fly over
Talba: C as Captains Courageous
Talba: The old bear
Talba: Bad thoughts
Talba: Neris taking a bath
Talba: Sinners
Talba: The Tower of Abandoned Love
Talba: Northern Sea