takomabibelot: Ondex Hotel (Brackenridge, PA)
takomabibelot: Oculus & Arch (Brackenridge, PA)
takomabibelot: Pink (Tarentum, PA)
takomabibelot: Braeburn Alloy (Braeburn, PA)
takomabibelot: Flywheel & Gear (Natrona, PA)
takomabibelot: Wrecking Ball (Natrona, PA)
takomabibelot: Scrap Gear at the Mill (Natrona, PA)
takomabibelot: Whitewashed Brownfield (West Tarentum, PA)
takomabibelot: Window, Door, Fire Escape (Washington, DC)
takomabibelot: Anchor Beer Building (Brackenridge, PA)
takomabibelot: Mill Wall & Smokestacks (Brackenridge, PA)
takomabibelot: Sycamore Street (Natrona, PA)
takomabibelot: Downspout & Square (Silver Spring, MD)
takomabibelot: Brick Wall & Pole (Tarentum, PA)
takomabibelot: Fountain Street Rooflines (Blawnox, PA)
takomabibelot: Green Door & Cast Iron Stairs At The White Cross Bakery: S Street, NW & Wiltberger Street, NW (Washington, DC)