takomabibelot: "Messenger of Sympathy and Love" Surveillance Cameras, National Postal Museum (Washington, DC)
takomabibelot: National Postal Museum Surveillance Camera (Washington, DC)
takomabibelot: Postal Museum Festoon & Surveillance Camera, Seen From The Pylons Stored In The Union Station Parking Garage (Washington, DC)
takomabibelot: National Capitol Post Office Wall, Stand Pipe, News Boxes: North Capitol Street (Washington, DC)
takomabibelot: Winged Caduceus Tied To Cornucopiae At The National Postal Museum (Washington, DC)
takomabibelot: National Capitol Post Office Lamp & Columns (Washington, DC)
takomabibelot: Cornucopiæ, Lion Head, Keystone (Washington, DC)
takomabibelot: Balustrade & Colonnade (Washington, DC)