takomabibelot: Hose Hanger Through a Doorway: C Street, SE (Washington, DC)
takomabibelot: Alley Brick Wall Ductwork & Window Mesh (Silver Spring, MD)
takomabibelot: Abandoned Joule Meters (Brackenridge, PA)
takomabibelot: Pay Phone, Painted Pole, Power Meters: After Dark (Washington, DC)
takomabibelot: Yellow Poles, Blue Poles, Pay Phone, Duct-Taped Vent (Silver Spring, MD)
takomabibelot: Above Seminary Plaza (Silver Spring, MD)
takomabibelot: Odometer-Style Gas & Joule Meters In Front Of The Yellow Window & Purple Wall On Georgia Avenue, NW (Washington, DC)
takomabibelot: Warner Street Brick Wall & Standpipe (Baltimore, MD)
takomabibelot: White Vents, White Brick Wall & Stairs On Georgia Avenue (Washington, DC)
takomabibelot: Black Grill, White Duct, Stained Wall, Lens Flare (Wheaton, MD)
takomabibelot: Gas Meter, Bib Tap, Brick Wall, Dead Weed (Washington, DC)
takomabibelot: National Capitol Post Office Wall, Stand Pipe, News Boxes: North Capitol Street (Washington, DC)
takomabibelot: Flower Avenue Meters (Silver Spring, MD)
takomabibelot: Government Printing Office Ventilation Ducts & Grills (Washington, DC)
takomabibelot: Pink Conduit & Meters (Rockville, MD)
takomabibelot: Odometer-Style Meters & Window Grill (Washington, DC)
takomabibelot: 8018 (Silver Spring, MD)
takomabibelot: Utility Lines, Wall, Window (Oakmont, PA)
takomabibelot: Missing Meter (Washington, DC)
takomabibelot: Black Duct & Bricked-up Windows (Chicago, IL)
takomabibelot: Ventilation, Duct, Window, Camera (Chicago, IL)
takomabibelot: Side Door & Pipe (Chicago, IL)
takomabibelot: Buoy & Meters (Woods Hole, MA)
takomabibelot: Ballpark Pipes & Girders (Washngton, DC)
takomabibelot: Bush Pipe (Takoma Park, DC)
takomabibelot: Shropshire Place Pipes (London, England)
takomabibelot: Gloucester Green Downspouts (Oxford, England)
takomabibelot: Meters Behind Posts (Silver Spring, MD)
takomabibelot: Railing and Pipe (Silver Spring, MD)
takomabibelot: Underpass on a Sunny Day (BWI)