Two Travellers:
Stone pillars
Two Travellers:
Put your feet up!
Two Travellers:
The Empress Hotel
Two Travellers:
Time to walk this way
Two Travellers:
Winter ivy
Two Travellers:
Empress ivy
Two Travellers:
Canadian flag
Two Travellers:
Silhouetted buildings at sunset
Two Travellers:
Captain George Vancouver
Two Travellers:
British Columbia Parliament Building
Two Travellers:
Lowering the flag
Two Travellers:
Afternoon sun, sky, roof tops
Two Travellers:
"To our glorious dead"
Two Travellers:
Afternoon sun and sky
Two Travellers:
"Empress"-ive sky
Two Travellers:
Inner Harbour, Victoria
Two Travellers:
Sunset from The Empress Hotel
Two Travellers:
Captain James Cook
Two Travellers:
Dominion Customs House
Two Travellers:
Johnson Street Bridge
Two Travellers:
Milne Building, Victoria
Two Travellers:
Paper Box Building
Two Travellers:
WC Cameron building, Victoria
Two Travellers:
BC islands
Two Travellers:
Fly like a seagull