takay: colored valley
takay: 白い幻想
takay: 鏡に映る朝の光
takay: Heaven
takay: 雲海を照らす街明かり
takay: gravel way
takay: quietness
takay: soloist
takay: Leads to the Mt.Shibutsu
takay: photographers
takay: 霞富士
takay: Rice field
takay: fantasia
takay: Smoke of snow
takay: An entrance to the dreamland
takay: Moon at dawn
takay: colored mountain
takay: Mt.hiuchi floating in Lake Ozenuma
takay: The thunder cloud which burns in the setting sun
takay: The pier of the late summer
takay: A waterweed shaking for wind and A brilliant surface of a lake
takay: Blue quietness
takay: A waterweed shaking for wind and the lake which shine in dark blue
takay: Azure
takay: beautiful Lake Ozenuma far away
takay: Mt.Hiuchi which watched from Ooe damp plain
takay: Relax
takay: cinema screen
takay: 朝焼けに浮かぶ富士
takay: Fresh snow and Mt. Fuji