takashi_matsumura: Lefevre-Utile #Nantes #France
takashi_matsumura: Crepe Fleur d'Ajonc (miel, amandes) with creme chantilly #creperie #bretonne #paris #france
takashi_matsumura: Crepe chocolat #creperie #bretonne #paris #france
takashi_matsumura: Strawberry shortcake #teatime #coffee #cake #sweet #Japan
takashi_matsumura: Omu-rice #japan #gastronomy
takashi_matsumura: Inarizushi is a pouch of fried tofu filled with rice. Inari is a fox god #gastronomy #japan
takashi_matsumura: Castella (bizcocho) #nagasaki #japan #sweet #teatime
takashi_matsumura: Mont-blanc (gateau) #autumn #fall #dessert #japan
takashi_matsumura: Coca-Cola Vanilla #japan #papercamera
takashi_matsumura: Mont Blanc (dessert) #cake #coffeebreak #japan
takashi_matsumura: Beef curry #foodporn #japan
takashi_matsumura: Real #sushi #tokyo #edo #japan
takashi_matsumura: The logo of my new laptop #macbook #air #apple
takashi_matsumura: カレーうどん #curry #udon #gastronomy #japan #sony #xperia
takashi_matsumura: Calbee Kataage Potato chips (black pepper) #japan
takashi_matsumura: Tonkotsu ramen #tokyo #japan #gastronomy
takashi_matsumura: Omusoba #gastronomy #japan
takashi_matsumura: Tea cup #japan
takashi_matsumura: Amazake 甘酒 #japan
takashi_matsumura: Time for sake #japan
takashi_matsumura: Curry pan #japan #gastronomy
takashi_matsumura: カステラ (castella) #gastronomy #japan
takashi_matsumura: San Miguel Light
takashi_matsumura: Orion beer #okinawa #japan
takashi_matsumura: Cream soda (melon soda with icecream) #Japan
takashi_matsumura: Sunset in Santa Monica #CA
takashi_matsumura: Trujillo #peru
takashi_matsumura: A cup of blue mountain
takashi_matsumura: Inca Kola #Peru
takashi_matsumura: Candy shop #Quito #Ecuador