Anusha Lee: Mt. Teapot is named because it looks like a teapot from certain angles
Anusha Lee: Cangualiao Historical Trail used to be the main transportation for military defense in the 19th century.
Anusha Lee: To Canguanliao Historical Trail
Anusha Lee: The mountains and Ruifeng and Shenao Bay in the distance
Anusha Lee: Silver grass blooming in autumn
Anusha Lee: Silver grass blooming in autumn
Anusha Lee: Hike starts from Quanji-Temple
Anusha Lee: railhead of Mt-Teapot
Anusha Lee: Looking at Yinyang Sea from the stone steps
Anusha Lee: More stone steps on the way to Mt. Teapot
Anusha Lee: Stone steps finally turn to a rock trail
Anusha Lee: Finally reach Mt. Teapot
Anusha Lee: Bring a pair of gloves with you
Anusha Lee: Looking at Mt. Keelung from the cave of Mt. Teapot
Anusha Lee: Watch out the worn out rope inside the cave
Anusha Lee: It can be very dangerous trying to get out of Mt. Teapot cave.
Anusha Lee: Looking at Mt. Banping from the cave of Mt. Teapot
Anusha Lee: Another trail hidden in the tall grass.
Anusha Lee: Trail condition changes.
Anusha Lee: The slope to Mt. Banping wasn't too bad to climb.
Anusha Lee: Looking back at where I was near Mt. Banping. Mt. Teapot and Mt. Keelung are in the distance.
Anusha Lee: After climbing up the rock slope, the view is so dramatic.
Anusha Lee: More steep slopes ahead
Anusha Lee: Spectacular mountain view on the top of Mt. Banping
Anusha Lee: This way takes you to Jianlong or Stegosaurus Ridge 劍龍稜, but this is not for me.
Anusha Lee: Mt. Cao from Mt. Banping
Anusha Lee: More amazing mountain view on the top of Mt. Banping
Anusha Lee: Trail becomes easy after you reach the summit of Mt. Banping.
Anusha Lee: Another trailhead to Mt. Banping, the easier one.
Anusha Lee: Trail map of Mt. Teapot, Mt. Banping and Mt. Canguanliao