R D C: Tangelo Tree #1
R D C: Tangelo Tree #2
R D C: Green Tangelos - Tree #1
R D C: Green Tangelos - Tree #2
R D C: December Sunset
R D C: Sunset Glow & Christmas Lights
R D C: Rainy Afternoon
R D C: Ripe Tangelos
R D C: Tangelos Ready to Pick
R D C: Delicious Fruit
R D C: Entrance Christmas Lights
R D C: Villa Alameda Entrance
R D C: Lit Up Street
R D C: Christmas Lights
R D C: Christmas Lights
R D C: Christmas Lights
R D C: Brightly Lit House
R D C: Decorated Street
R D C: Well Lighted Residence
R D C: Lighted Trees & Deer
R D C: Office Entrance Decor
R D C: Lighted Train
R D C: Christmas Palm Trees
R D C: Snowmen
R D C: Christmas Lights
R D C: Lighted Street
R D C: Blaze of Lights
R D C: Old Father Christmas
R D C: Christmas Lights
R D C: Christmas Lights