Tahoma Audubon: Our group at Thelma's park, 2-23-19
Tahoma Audubon: No munchies!
Tahoma Audubon: Orientation before walking
Tahoma Audubon: Fog where snow held on a week ago
Tahoma Audubon: Who are those people?
Tahoma Audubon: Reflections
Tahoma Audubon: Still some fall color
Tahoma Audubon: Looking out over the former peat bog
Tahoma Audubon: Looking uphill at the birders
Tahoma Audubon: Fine veining catches the eye
Tahoma Audubon: Evergreen ferns!
Tahoma Audubon: Rainbows can be seen everywhere
Tahoma Audubon: The dark canopy
Tahoma Audubon: The people who do the real work at this city park, Sally & Connie.
Tahoma Audubon: Immature Red-tailed Hawk hides from the crows
Tahoma Audubon: At the water's elbow, ducks hide in the small amount of fresh water
Tahoma Audubon: Yep, they're Mallards!
Tahoma Audubon: The day brightens
Tahoma Audubon: Hey guys, look at this!
Tahoma Audubon: Male is not interested
Tahoma Audubon: Hen mallards check out the hard water on the other side
Tahoma Audubon: Hey, you can actually walk on water!
Tahoma Audubon: Goofing off with girlfriends
Tahoma Audubon: Can someone interpret this language?
Tahoma Audubon: Connie clutches today's feather.
Tahoma Audubon: The Gilmur girls, Laurie & Deanna, with the feather that Thelma floated down to us today